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Huang TY, Lee YY, Vidal-Diez G, Hsueh YP (2021) Forward genetic screens identified mutants with defects in trap morphogenesis in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. G3 Genes.


Vidal-Diez G, Lee YY, Stajich JE, Schwarz EM, Hsueh YP (2021) Genomic analyses of two Italian oyster mushroom Pleurotus pulmonarius strains. G3 Genes.


Lee YY, Vidal-Diez G, Schwarz EM, Stajich JE, & Hsueh YP (2021) Genome sequence of the Oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus strain PC9. G3 Genes.


Chen SA, Lin HC, Schroeder FC, & Hsueh YP (2021) Prey sensing and response in a nematode-trapping fungus is governed by the MAPK pheromone response pathway. Genetics.


Kuo CY, Chen SA, & Hsueh YP (2020) The high osmolarity glycerol (HOG) Pathway functions in osmosensing, trap morphogenesis and conidiation of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. Journal of Fungi, 6(4), 191.


Kuo TH*, Yang CT*, Chang HY, Hsueh YP, & Hsu CC (2020) Nematode-trapping fungi produce diverse metabolites during predator–prey interaction. Metabolites 10(3), 117.


Yang CT*, Vidal-Diez G*Gonçalves AP, Lin HC, Chang CW, Huang TY, Chen SA, Lai CK, Tsai IJ, Schroeder F, Stajich J, Hsueh YP (2020) Natural diversity in the predatory behavior facilitates the establishment of a new robust model strain for nematode-trapping fungi. PNAS 117 (12) 6762-6770.


Lee CH, Chang HW, Yang CT, Wali N, Shie JJ, Hsueh YP (2020) Sensory cilia as the Achilles heel of

nematodes when attacked by carnivorous mushrooms. PNAS 117 (11) 6014-6022.


Vidal-Diez G, Huang TY, Chang CW, Lin HC, Hsueh YP (2019) Fungal Feature Tracker (FFT): A tool for quantitatively characterizing the morphology and growth of filamentous fungi. PLoS Comput Biol. 15(10):e1007428.


Kanzaki N, Liang WR, Chiu CI, Yang CT, Hsueh YP, & Li HF (2019) Nematode-free agricultural system of a fungus-growing termite. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-10.


Vidal-Diez G, Hsueh YP (2018) Predator-prey interactions of nematode-trapping fungi and  nematodes: both sides of the coin. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol doi:10.1007/s00253-018-8897-5.


Hsueh YP, Gronquist M, Schwarz EM, Nath R, Lee CH, Gharib S, Schroeder FC, Sternberg PW (2017) The nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora  mimics olfactory cues of sex and food to lure its nematode prey. eLife 6:e20023.


Hsueh YP, Mahanti P, Schroeder FC, Sternberg PW (2013) Nematode-trapping fungi eavesdrop on nematode pheromones. Curr Biol, 23: 83-86.


Janbon G, Ormerod KL, Paulet D, Byrnes EJ 3rd, Yadav V, Chatterjee G, Mullapudi N, Hon CC, Billmyre RB, Brunel F, Bahn YS, Chen W, Chen Y, Chow EW, Coppée JY, Floyd-Averette A, Gaillardin C, Gerik KJ, Goldberg J, Gonzalez-Hilarion S, Gujja S, Hamlin JL, Hsueh YP, Ianiri G, Jones S, Kodira CD, Kozubowski L, Lam W, Marra M, Mesner LD, Mieczkowski PA, Moyrand F, Nielsen K, Proux C, Rossignol T, Schein JE, Sun S, Wollschlaeger C, Wood IA, Zeng Q, Neuvéglise C, Newlon CS, Perfect JR, Lodge JK, Idnurm A, Stajich JE, Kronstad JW, Sanyal K, Heitman J, Fraser JA, Cuomo CA, Dietrich FS (2014) Analysis of the genome and transcriptome of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii reveals complex RNA expression and microevolution leading to virulence attenuation. PLoS Genet. 10(4):e1004261.


Voelz K, Ma H, Phadke S, Byrnes EJ, Zhu P, Mueller O, Farrer RA, Henk DA, Lewit Y, Hsueh YP, Fisher MC, Idnurm A, Heitman J, May RC (2013) Transmission of hypervirulence traits via sexual reproduction within and between lineages of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus gattii. PLoS Genet. 2013 9(9):e1003771.


Sun S, Hsueh YP, Heitman J. (2012) Gene conversion occurs within the mating-type locus of Cryptococcus neoformans during sexual reproduction. PLoS Genet  8:e1002810.


Findley K, Sun S, Fraser JA, Hsueh YP, Averette AF, Li W, Dietrich FS, Heitman J (2012) Discovery of a modified tetrapolar sexual cycle in Cryptococcus amylolentus and the evolution of MAT in the Cryptococcus species complex. PLoS Genet  8 :e1002528c.


Wang X*, Hsueh YP*, Lee W, Floyd A, Skalsky R, Heitman J (2010) Sex induced silencing defends the genome of Cryptococcus neoformans via RNAi. Genes Dev, 24: 2566-2582 *Equal contribution.


Xue C, Wang Y, Hsueh YP (2010) Assessment of constitutive activity of a G protein-coupled receptor, Cpr2, in Cryptococcus neoformans by heterologous and homologous methods. Methods Enzymol 484: 397-412.


Hsueh YP, Xue C, Heitman J (2009) A constitutively active GPCR governs morphogenic transitions in Cryptococcus neoformans. EMBO J 28: 1220-1233.


Velagapudi R, Hsueh YP, Geunes-Boyer S, Wright JR, Heitman J (2009) Spores as infectious propagules of Cryptococcus neoformans. Infect Immun 77: 4345-4355.


Jain N, Li L, Hsueh YP, Guerrero A, Heitman J, Goldman DL, Fries BC (2009) Loss of allergen 1 confers a hypervirulent phenotype that resembles mucoid switch variants of Cryptococcus neoformans. Infect Immun 77: 128-140.


Hsueh YP, Fraser JA, Heitman J (2008) Transitions in sexuality: recapitulation of an ancestral tri- and tetrapolar mating system in Cryptococcus neoformans. Eukaryot Cell 7: 1847-1855.


Hsueh YP, Heitman J (2008) Orchestration of sexual reproduction and virulence by the fungal mating-type locus. Curr Opin Microbiol 11: 517-524.


Xue C, Hsueh YP, Chen L, Heitman J (2008) The RGS protein Crg2 regulates both pheromone and cAMP signalling in C. neoformans. Mol Microbiol 70: 379-395.


Xue C, Hsueh YP, Heitman J (2008) Magnificent seven: roles of G protein-coupled receptors in extracellular sensing in fungi. FEMS Microbiol Rev 32: 1010-1032.


Hsueh YP, Xue C, Heitman J (2007) G protein signaling governing cell fate decisions involves opposing Ga subunits in Cryptococcus neoformans. Mol Biol Cell 18: 3237-3249.


Hsueh YP, Idnurm A, Heitman J (2006) Recombination hotspots flank the Cryptococcus mating-type locus: implications for the evolution of a fungal sex chromosome. PLoS Genet 2: e184.


Hsueh YP, Shen WC (2005) A homolog of Ste6, the a-factor transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is required for mating but not for monokaryotic fruiting in Cryptococcus neoformans. Eukaryot Cell 4: 147-155.



Book chapters

Hsueh YP, Leighton DHW, and Sternberg, PW (2013).  Nematode Communication, chapter in “Biocommunication of Animals”, editor Witzany, G.


Hsueh YP, Lin X, Kwon-Chung JK, and Heitman J (2010) Sexual reproduction of Cryptococcus, chapter in “Cryptococcus: from human pathogen to model yeast“, editors: J. Heitman, T. Kozel, J. Kwon-Chung, J. Perfect, and A. Casadevall.


Hsueh YP, Metin B, Fraser JA, Findley KM, Rodriguez-Carres M, and Heitman J (2010) The mating-type locus of Cryptococcus: evolution of gene clusters, chapter in “Cryptococcus: from human pathogen to model yeast“, editors: J. Heitman, T. Kozel, J. Kwon-Chung, J. Perfect, and A. Casadevall.


Fraser JA, Hsueh YP, Findley KM, and Heitman, J (2007) Evolution of the mating-type locus: the Basidiomycetes, chapter in “Sex in fungi: molecular determination and evolutionary implications”, editors: Heitman, Kronstad, Taylor, and Casselton, ASM press, pp 19-34.

 Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 11529

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