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2019 International C. elegans meeting




Poster session 進行時有龐大數量的海報,必定能找到自己有興趣的內容。另外,張貼海報時,得到許多有用的建議,引導我更近一步的思考,獲益良多。



This was my second times to attend International worm meeting, and I was lucky to be selected to give a talk in the cell biology section. I presented our work on the fourth day of the conference, and people were interested in our study. By discussing with several people, it is really helpful to push the project to the next level. Moreover, it is encouraging to a young scientist, like me, that people are excited and appreciate about your finding.

Overall, I think that attending the conference is rewarded. We learned the latest technique in the field and communicated with people to share our study and get feedback. Moreover, we built connections with scientists in the world, and it will help to have further collaborations to speed up the research.


 Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 11529

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