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Lab sampling trip to 大雪山 again

We went to 大雪山 for the lab sampling trip for three days at the end of July. I strongly recommend having the trip again since all the experiences we had were fascinating. Compared to previous trips, the trails were easier and we got more chances to get a close look to different animals. Just by leaning on the road side we could see

climbing on the cliffs and licking minerals at night, also Muntiacus reevesi micrurus and Syrma ticus mikado wandering over the forest.

During the trip, what we could feel and hear there were not the hustle and bustle of the city but the cold breeze and chirping of birds from nature. Besides, it was really a delight just to feel the sun shine without sweating in the scorching hot summer. In brief, I appreciated having the chance to have the trip with the lab members and thank Samuel to plan the perfect trip.


 Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 11529

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